For those of you that are interested in attending The Comprenhensive Version of The Women's Power Building Seminar on Sepember 7, 2007 in Plantation, Florida ; we are having special discounts. Enroll in August and you have two specials to choose from: Buy one seat for $125 and bring someone free or $69 dollars for one person.
We have several free raffle gifts, free give-aways for all that attend, coffee, tea, water, snacks, and information, education, and insight. Seating is limited to 55...So register now. Call our office at (954)741-1099 to enroll. We accept checks, visa and master card. For more information on the seminar topics and objectives check our website at: www.professionaltoolbox.org.
Women's Power Building Workshop (The Comprehensive Approach)Friday, September 7, 2007
Time: 9:00am-2:30pm8:30am
Check in & Beverages 11:30-12:30
Lunch Break (on your own)
Place: Holiday Inn Express
1701 N. University Dr., Plantation, FL
Cost: $125 per person (call for discounts)
Increase your personal power by learning tools to:
*Reduce your stress
*Identify & let go of emotional clutter
*Set limits with yourself and others
*Take care of yourself in healthy ways
Presenters: Amanda Osher,LMHC & Lisa Friedman,LCSW
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