Saturday, July 24, 2010

Summer Health & Wellness

Summertime usually conjures up images like relaxing at the beach, fun in the park, picnics, barbeques, and family vacations. Because of this, summer is a great time to think about taking more control of your health. Taking care of your body is a key element in making sure you are able to maximize peak performance in both your personal and professional lives.

The American heart Association identifies three major areas of health that most people need to be aware of. These areas are cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Small, inexpensive lifestyle changes often pay big dividends in allowing one to effectively manage these major health concerns.

General tips for improving your general health include:
Getting active: walking more and stretching are probably the easiest and most convenient was to increase your activity level.
Eating better: reduce salt and sugar intake, practice portion control, eat more fish, increase fruits and vegetables, avoid foods high in saturated fat and eat more whole grains.
Losing weight
Quitting smoking
Limiting alcohol intake
Practicing effective stress management.

A counselor can provide you with effective coaching in helping you begin to make healthy lifestyle changes and managing stress more effectively. You can reach counselors at Lisa Friedman LCSW, INC at 954-741-1099.